Easy maintenance
9 easy to maintain outdoor plants

Becoming a new plant parent can be daunting - especially when that plant lives outside. Whilst you want to keep an eye on it, check how it’s doing and give it all your love and affection, sometimes it can seem like a lot of effort.
But it’s simply not true. Maintaining beautiful outdoor plants needn’t be as hard as you think. In fact, you can maintain many great plants with very little effort. Here are 10 outdoor plants that are extremely easy to maintain.
Libby the outdoor plant

When it comes to outdoor plants, Libby is one of the hardiest around. Short but beautiful, a Lithodora Diffusa will always brighten up gardens wherever she’s planted.
Although she prefers direct sunlight, Libby is happy in some shade. If it’s been dry, give her soil a showering. Apart from that, sit back and watch this Mediterranean perennial plant make your outdoors that little bit prettier.
Laura (Laurus Nobilis)

Low maintenance Laura, our Bay Tree, can grow in a container for 10-15 years. Aptly, this long-living outdoor plant was known in ancient Greek and Roman circles for immortality, victory and health.
Just like the ancient Greeks, Laura likes to lounge in the sunshine, but can also take periods in the shade. Try not to water her too frequently. And, if you don’t want to rest on your laurels, give her a good trim in late summer.
Fats – a plant for the urban outdoors

Fats, or Fatsia Japonica, is one tough shrub. Evergreen, though not overly-happy in harsh winds, Fats can be planted in almost all locations – even sparser urban settings. If you’ve got a tricky patch of garden, pop in Fats and benefit from his beautiful white flowers in the autumn.
Christmas Ross

Despite originating from the Far East, Ross has become a very Christmass-y outdoor plant across the world. Ross, Photinia Fraseri, has very shiny green leaves and makes a fantastic ornamental shrub. In order to take care of him, you’ll first have to plant him in an open space with draining soil. After that, it’s simply a case of pruning him after the summer growth season.
Japanese grass for the outdoors

Archie, who’s botanical name is Carex Oshimensis, is a dark green and golden yellow grass that adds colour to any outdoor space. Even better, this Japanese plant can survive cold temperatures as low as -20 degrees Celsius.
Archie will flourish in sun or part-shade and needs a little watering in the spring and summer is all.
The festival of Graham

Another Japanese plant, Graham (Acorus Gramineus) once had an entire festival dedicated to him during the Heian period. His long yellow-striped leaves would be spread on roofs to ward off unwanted spirits.
Graham isn’t too fussed with light, growing in either light shade or full sun. To really get the most out of him (not just his spirit-warding capabilities) divide him up every three/four years so that he can mature.
The common box tree

A nation-wide favourite, Peter the box tree is an evergreen shrub that can reach staggering heights if let to grow over the decades. You’ll probably want to trim him to bring nice geometric shapes to your outdoors.
Peter is pleased to be in most soils and prefers to be out of direct sunlight if possible.

Due to her low-maintenance attitude, Ivy is perfect for beginner gardeners. It doesn’t matter where you plant her – in bright light or deep shade – Ivy will grow plentifully during spring. You can then cut her back as much as you like in the winter – simple.
Cory, a versatile outdoor plant

From southern Europe to South-East Asia, Cory (Cordyline) has been used for food and medicine for a long time. Not only that, but his startling red and green will visually go well with anything in a modern outdoors setting.
Don’t let him dry out, that’s all really.
Are you looking for some tips on how to care for your plants? Look no further than our care page, where you can find helpful advice on how to look after your plants.
Alternatively, read more on which plants love the shade so the sun-deficient spots in your garden also look their best.