Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’ looks glam but is an easy-care plant for a first timer or seasoned plant parent. To get the most from this Philodendron with its unique leaf shape and gorgeous colour palette, pop it in a bright spot in indirect light, moving it closer to the light (but not to cold draughts!) in winter. This way, all of his colours will come out: orange, cream, white, green and even yellow - after which he gets his catchy name ‘Ring of Fire’.
Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’ will enjoy a good water every 7-10 days, less in winter when the light levels drop and it’s not growing as much. You’ll know it’s time to give it a drink when the top two inches of the soil are dry. Dig your finger into the soil up to your second knuckle to test this. If the soil feels damp, leave it another few days, but if your finger comes out dry, it’s time. This plant can tolerate a bit of drought so if you forget to water it, don’t fret. Rather under than over water!
Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’ is a slow grower so to encourage its growth, feed it once a month from early Spring to late Summer when you water. It’s a climbing plant that is used to creeping up tree trunks to find the light, so mimic this by training it up a moss pole. As it gets bigger you can give it a haircut to keep it a manageable size, or get adventurous and train it up your wall with hooks.
Last but not least, Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’ doesn’t mind having lots of roots in his pot - we call this being ‘root/pot bound’. This means you don’t need to re-pot him every year; only when his roots are actually trying to escape from the bottom of the pot he’s in.
Did you know?
Because it is so unusual, this is one of the most sought after plants by plant enthusiasts.