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  • Choose plant height (cm)

Clematis - alpina


  • Flowering
  • Pollinator friendly
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    • A sunny spot

      They will love a partially sunny spot to show off their stunning purple flowers.

    • Moist soil

      They like their gritty, well drained soil to stay moist, so give them a little drink if it hasn't rained in a while - just make sure their soil is dry first. Climbing walls is thirsty work.

    • Pruning

      Cut them back to about 30cm in the spring so they can grow big and strong again.

  • Botanical name

    Clematis alpina



    Plant type

    Flowering perennial, climber

    Plant height (including pot)


    Pet/Baby safe?

    Toxic if eaten 

    Nursery pot size


  • Clematis alpina is a great climber and flowers from late spring to early autumn with light purple flowers. They should be cut back to buds, about 1ft high in late winter or early spring before it regrows again.

    Originating from China and the Himalayas, clematis alpina is a super climbing plant that produces masses of pretty flowers from late Spring.

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