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Complete guide to sweetheart plant care

A tiny plant that packs a whole lot of love. Easy on the eye, easy to care for - what more could you want?

Close up detail photo of a sweetheart plant leaf on a white background.

It’s not hard to guess how the sweetheart plant earned its name - its heart-shaped leaves are easy to care for, making it a great option for both beginners and experienced plant parents. When taking care of them remember:

  • It will thrive in a bright spot that gets indirect sunlight.
  • Give it a good drink when the top inch of soil feels dry.
  • Sweetheart plants love a humid atmosphere, mist it regularly to keep it happy.

About sweetheart plants

A hoya kerrii, also known as a sweetheart plant or Val to us, is a slow-growing vine that in the right conditions can boast beautifully fragrant white flowers throughout the summer. Its thick waxy heart-shaped leaves often grow in pairs. Their vine can grow up to a metre long - that’s a lot of love-shaped foliage. They make perfect gifts for someone you want to give a little extra love to.

How much light does my sweetheart plant need?

Sweetheart plants love bright, indirect light. Pop your plant near a window that gets plenty of sunlight but isn’t in direct line of the sun, too much sunshine can cause the leaves to burn.

How often should I water my sweetheart plant?

Water your plant when the top inch of soil is dry, you can follow our finger dip test for guidance if you’re not sure. Avoid overwatering, sweetheart plants don’t like to have too much of a drink.

A sweetheart plant in a blue pot on a bed side table.

What type of soil does my sweetheart plant need?

Sweetheart plants will be happiest in well-draining soil, like our desert potting mix, perfect for providing the drainage your plant needs.

Does my sweetheart plant need a humid environment?

Sweetheart plants will be happier in a more humid environment. Mist your plants leaves regularly to keep them healthy and green or keep them in the bathroom where they can enjoy a regular steamy shower.

What’s the best temperature for my sweetheart plant?

Sweetheart plants aren’t fussy, they’ll prefer temperatures between 18-24°C. Avoid keeping your plants in locations below 13°C, they won’t love the cold.

Should I fertilise my sweetheart plant?

Sweetheart plants don’t need lots of fertilisation. During the summer months you can fertilise your plant once a month with our houseplant food tonic.

A sweetheart plant in a cream decorative pot, placed on top of some books next to a lamp in a living room.

Can I propagate my sweetheart plant?

Sweetheart plants are really easy to propagate. Take stem cuttings with at least two leaves and place them in damp potting mix. Cover the pot with something that will keep their environment humid and the soil moist, a plastic bag will do. In a few weeks, the cuttings should develop roots and grow into new plants. If you’ve never done it before, here's our complete guide to propagation.

Sweetheart plants are small, easy-to-look-after plants that make a big impact in your home making them perfect gift for those you love. 

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