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Euonymus Fortunei ‘Harlequin’

Euonymus Fortunei 'Kathy'; Euonymus Harlequin Wintercreeper

  • Easy care
  • Most light conditions
  • Evergreen
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  • Euonymus Fortunei ‘Harlequin’ likes...
    • Watering

      When you first plant him, give him plenty of water, but as he matures and starts growing, he won't need any extra water.

    • Most light conditions

      He prefers partial shade, but can also do fine in sun.

    • Pruning

      Harley's pretty unfussy - just give him a prune with sharp, sanitised shears if he's looking unruly.

  • Botanical name

    Euonymus Fortunei 'Harlequin'


    Euonymus Harlequin Wintercreeper

    Plant type

    Outdoor; Woody evergreen vine

    Plant height (including pot)


    Pet/baby safe

    Severely toxic if eaten

    Nursery pot size


  • Harley is the athlete of the spindle tree family; unlike his cousin Emerald who prefers to sprawl out in garden beds, Harley is happiest when he's scaling rocks and climbing walls. He's prone to growth spurts, and can easily get up to 70 feet tall if you leave him unchecked. Because of this, this speedy climber makes a great choice for adding some green to an unsightly outdoor wall. He's pretty down to earth, too, and aside from occasional hair cuts, doesn't need much extra care.

    His leaves are emerald green and silvery white, giving him that harlequin effect. In the winter, the silvery bits take on an almost blush tone which gives way to tiny yellow flowers in spring. Leave at least 18 inches of space between him and other Harleys, as he'll definitely use the space.

    Going the extra mile

    Check his leaves for scale insects which like to invade Euonymus plants. These can become fatal for Harley, so if you see any treat him with an insecticide.

    Harley is pretty adaptable to moving - once he's mature, you can transplant him to a new pot or spot in the garden if you so choose.

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