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  • Choose plant height (cm)

Climbing rose - white

Rosa 'frozen queen'

  • Easy care
  • Bright light
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  • Rosa likes...
    • A sunny spot

      Rosa thrives in a sunny position although she will also tolerate some shade. She doesn't mind a good refreshing breeze. She'll do fine on an unsheltered balcony or garden patch.

    • Drainage

      Keep her soil moist in the spring and summer by watering regularly, but make sure you use a good drainage material to drain off any excess water.

    • Pruning

      Prune in mid-February by cutting back any dead or damaged foliage. Prune away her dead and wilting flowers in the spring, so that her late summer blooms are nice and showy.

  • Botanical name
    Rosa 'crazy in love'


    Plant type
    Woody perennial flowering plant / Outdoor

    Plant height (including pot)

    Pet/baby safe
    Non-toxic, but watch out for the spiky thorns!

    Nursery pot size

  • Rosa doesn't need much introduction - with her flowers and sweet scent, Rosa's beauty is truly timeless. The remains of the first discovered rose dates back to 40 million years ago, and in China, she's been a garden favourite for at least 5,000 years. Ever the romantic, Rose symbolises love, sensuality, and beauty - she's a famed aphrodisiac. Her petals are used to make perfumes, oils, and delicious treats (she's pretty popular in Turkish cuisine), and her light antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make her a popular choice in skincare.

    If you're keeping Rosa in a pot, apply a protective layer of mulch in the winter (jute, tree bark, or fresh soil are good materials) by piling it up till it covers most of her. If you don't have the materials for this, use an upside down cardboard box or bucket (weighed down with pegs or stones if necessary) to keep her warm.

    If possible, keeping her in a shed, garage, or conservatory will work too.

    If you're transplanting her into a garden bed, she'll be more hardy and won't need any covering.

    When re-planting her into one of our outdoor pots or a garden bed, she likes you to put some clay in her soil, along with multi-purpose compost.

    Snip off her pretty blooms to give to a loved one, or dry out her petals to make fragrant pot pourri, infuse oils, or even adorn baked goods.

    Please note the trellis is not included.

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